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Pushing Down Water

Sometimes it feels that all I do is a joke
That nothing can dissipate the darkness, the smoke
Of the illusion that we are all wrapped up in
the belief that money and material things
can bring happiness and contentment, a feeling of self-worth
when we all know it’s only love that reigns true on this earth.

Yet I know when I assist the truth to be seen
And stand up for others who are down on their knees
And keep going with a smile and a helping hand
Speaking up, for example, for Baha’is in Iran
That I’m doing more than pulling desperate people out
Of the swamp of lust, addiction and desire
I’m draining this polluted land – reaching into the core
Solutions found when we together step higher,
Than the every day, mundane and experienced.

Help from God comes to those who beseech
And ask to be strengthened and spiritually assisted
Like Abdu’lbaha, who with a perfect soul was gifted.
Are the small things I do really worth all that much?
Can I help change the world with my gentle touch?
How can what I do here affect those over there
Help to tear off the shackles of hatred and fear?

It’s the most simple thing yet most complicated
That we are one people and must work to be united
That every little thing has an effect as we call
On ourselves to be true and our friends to stand together
Braving the lack of understanding and the scornful laughter
Knowing we are protected and blessed for our strivings
Letting go of attachment to worldly desiring.

As a Baha’i I am trying to build a new world,
Where people live in harmony and religions are one
With us turning to God, our heavenly Father
As He who is single, unknown and alone,
Who is All loving, All merciful and Always there
Whether we see Him or not in our hearts or our actions
His love binds us and creates eternal reactions.

Waves of feeling, ripples of light emanating from our hands
As we do what we can to bring a stop to injustice,
And begin to consult about best ways forward
Economic problems solved by spiritual solutions
Political apathy cleared by united forward action
Yet a word without action is as a question without answer
And an unanswered question brings ignorance and distraction
From the true reality of the divine in our hearts
Which can only live when we see what we are:
Spiritual beings, experiencing the human
Strengthening our powers as we face life’s tests
Destined to exist through worlds upon worlds
A family living in one world, truly blest.

This is your chance people, this is your time
Don’t stand by and watch a repeat of the crime
The Jews suffered before and Baha’is suffer now
Didn’t we say this would never happen again?
That the horrors of the past in that time would remain?
It’s the twenty first century and still leaders try
By removing education, telling unbelievable lies.
I am Welsh but I stand up for my friends in Iran
Who believe in Baha’u’llah and do all that they can
To adhere to the laws of this inhumane system
Families ripped apart, exhaustive interrogation
Elderly people imprisoned for 20 years straight
With no fair trial, no voice, no justice, their fate
Being determined by those who have not learned from the past
That when you push water down it flows up twice as fast.

We will pass this world on to our precious children
We will give them the gift of all done and not done
do you want to bequeath prejudice and fear
Wrapped up in the bling bling of empty desire?

So, okay what do we do – I hear you cry
What action can we take when we’ve got busy lives?
I can’t go to that place and demand them to free
the Baha’is and other groups who work for world peace.
I’ve a job to go to or an exam to study for,
I’ve kids to encourage and my own dreams to pursue
I need to keep the taxman from the door
To find my true love, to my own life be true.

Well if you from reading this poem feel inspired
Create your own art and raise the question up higher!
Tell your friends what is happening to young and old in Iran
Discuss and reflect, create your own plan.
Use the resources at hand, go online and get informed
Look up ‘The Muslim Network for Baha’i Rights’ and
Write a letter or an email to the United Nations,
Tell your government to do something, let them feel your frustrations
Tell them your thoughts on the right to university education
See with your own eyes, your world vision strengthened.

I have friends the world over who feel just as strong
That what is happening in Iran is undeniably wrong.
Where ever we come from, whatever our faith
We must stand up against prejudice in every place
We must give a voice to the voiceless and be twice as loud
Only then can we of ourselves feel proud
To be human, to be blessed with intelligence and spirit,
Do what is right for the world and those who live in it.

Fleur Talieh Missaghian – 06/09/2011

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Spiritual Being

'Man is, in reality, a spiritual being, and only when he lives in the spirit is he truely happy'

'If theatre were a verb, it would be 'to remember''
~Anne Bogart

'He who binds to himself a joy doth the winged life destroy. But he who kisses the joy as it flies lives in Eternity's sunrise.'
~William Blake

'We could never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world.'
~Helen Keller

'Real joy comes not from ease or riches or from the praise of men, but from doing something worthwhile.'
~Pierre Coneille

April 2024